Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We closed on our new home Monday and I am sooo excited! We have been non stop since then and I am so tired. Abby and I just got finished packing a few more boxes and I don't think I can do anything else the rest of the day.. Being pregnant, caring for a toddler AND moving is really hard! Thanks goodness my Mom is flying in tomorrow! We are so excited to have her stay with us until Monday.. I guess we will all sit on the floor! We don't have a couch or chair anymore! We sold everything and waiting to get our new couch and chair. Oh yeah.. the TV and entertainment center went too.. So we are watching TV on a little TV that was in Stephen's office. That is our next purchase when Stephen returns next week. Alot is happening around here.. I will send pics of the house as soon as possible... We are going over there tomorrow to show my Mom and wait for all the people to get there.. We are changing all the floors, countertops, carpet, etc... fun! fun!
AND.. Monday is the big day.. We find out the sex of our new addition!


Britney said...

CONGRATS on the house!!! I bet you are so excited!!! We cant wait to get into a house.

I'll be looking forward to the posting on what you will be having...boy or girl?? Yay!!!

Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Brandi! Hope the unpacking is going well. I know how that is. I am still sitting on a few boxes from when we moved last October. Good Luck and I look forward to seeing you soon! I would love to come see the house. xoxox, Stacey